Madaniya's Outreach to CSOs in Neighbouring Countries

Our 6th mobilisation meeting was another success as Madaniya extended its reach to include CSOs and their representatives in Turkey and Lebanon. We had the honour of meeting exceptional leaders from prominent civil society organisations and welcomed them to join our initiative with open arms. Their active participation and enthusiasm left us feeling grateful and inspired.

Here at Madaniya, we acknowledge and celebrate the tremendous work of all Syrian CSOs. We are thrilled to offer a civic space that empowers Civil Society's vital role in shaping Syria's future.

Our outreach efforts will not stop here, and we invite all organisations who share our values and goals to join us in the Madaniya mission. Together, we can create a brighter future for Syria.


Madaniya's Outreach to CSOs in Europe


Madaniya's Outreach to CSOs in Regime Held areas