Press Conference: Madaniya in Damascus – Syrian civil society organizations reclaim their country, their spaces, and their political agency. 

Saturday, December 21, 2024, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM (Syria Time) 
At the new Madaniya office in Damascus: Beit Farhi, Tal Al-Hijara, Al-Amin Street, across from Talsman Hotel.

٢١ كانون الأول ٢٠٢٤

سقط الأسد، واليوم نستعيد بلدنا ومساحاتنا وأحقيتنا


شاهدوا أبرز لقطات إطلاق مدنية الفيزيائي في دمشق. منذ تأسيس مدنيّة في عام 2022، عمل تجمعنا جنبًا إلى جنب مع منظمات المجتمع المدني لضمان دور ريادي للفاعلين المدنيين السوريين في تشكيل مستقبل بلدنا.

Madaniya in Damascus - December 21, 2024

Assad has fallen, and today we reclaim our country, our spaces, and our political agency.

Watch the video highlights from Madaniya’s physical launch in Damascus. Since the creation of Madaniya in 2022, our collective has been working side by side with civil society organizations to ensure a leading role for Syrian civic actors in shaping our country’s future.

Location and Directions:

Beit Farhi, 59 Tal Al-Hijara, Al-Amin Street, Damascus, Syria.

Across from Talsman Hotel


New Syria: What's Next?


Madaniya in Damascus-Rountable discussion on the political agency of the civic space post Assad